The Anatomy of Heartbreak: A Love Letter to the Pain That Shapes Us

About two years ago, I stood on the edge of a life I thought was permanent, watching it slip through my fingers. A five-year love story dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind a silence that spoke louder than any words.

Heartbreak, I’ve learned, is a quiet, devastating undoing. It doesn’t announce itself with a crash, but seeps in slowly, unspooling the world as you know it. One moment you’re in the orbit of someone you love and the next, you’re floating untethered, staring at the wreckage of something you thought would hold. I’ve sat in that silence, wondering how something so intangible – a bond, a promise, a shared future – could leave such a concrete absence.

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Love does not conquer all

Have you ever tried to make yourself likeable and to impress your date with your accomplishments? I have. Certainly, in an imperceptible way, but still, my goal was to make the guy like me. Normal, some might say. Pathetic, some might think. But a reality nonetheless. An exhausting reality, if I may add.

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404, écran noir

It has been a difficult year. The most difficult so far, I would say. And I thought I drew all my conclusions and learned all my lessons through the introspection work I had done in the past couple of months. But, after countless crying sessions, carried out pretty much on a daily basis, I finally saw it clearly: 404, écran noir.

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“Post Your Passion” Challenge

După o perioadă în care m-a încercat o stare de apatie de cea mai pură esență, urmată de un profund sentiment de culpabilitate presărat cu stări de anxietate, m-am gândit să-mi pun pe foaie gândurile. Sau pe blog, dacă tot sunt owner de punct com. Înțelegeți voi.

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Wingspan – When Birds Get Intense

Have you ever wondered about the mental strain of hearing your partner say ‘Yeah, I think I’m gonna grab that penguin”? 

All jokes aside, I will confess right from the start: yes, this game is simply charming. That comes as no surprise, considering the quality of the components, the illustrations that show a very detailed artwork and the theme that feels both universal and original.

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